Sabtu, 27 November 2010

Review: “Pure: Modernity, Philosophy, and the One” by Mark Anderson

“Modernity is hubris; decadence is its Nemesis.” -Mark Anderson

With his book “Pure: Modernity, Philosophy, and the One” philosophy professor Mark Anderson gives a concise and powerful diagnosis of the problem of modernity and points towards a possible remedy within the framework of Platonic philosophy. In just over 100 pages he moves from identifying the symptoms of modernity in current American culture to offering insightful guidance for those who wish to purify themselves of the degenerate elements that have surrounded them since birth. By referencing only sparingly the eastern traditions that occupy the attention of many traditionalists, Prof Anderson explores the decline from tradition to modernity in a purely western context.

For the purposes of his book Plato represents tradition and Nietzsche represents the modern. The choice of Nietzsche as a representative of decadent modernity is a significant, perhaps even defining feature of the book. The style of writing is clearly modeled more on Nietzsche than Plato, including aphorisms and word play that mimic the German philosopher (a good example of this is the quote given at the beginning of this review). One of the book’s chapters is entitled “Nietzschean Reflections Contra Nietzsche,” and that description could very well characterize the entire book. This focus is a result of Nietzsche at once being an extreme example of the disease of modernity and being painfully almost right on so many important questions. Because of the latter quality Nietzsche often ensnares moderns who are beginning to awaken to the horrors of the current situation, leading them away from truly revolutionary thought with an intoxicating prose style (one which, with all due respect, Prof Anderson does not match) and impassioned, biting insights. Given the amount of work that Prof Anderson has done on Nietzsche, one wonders if he initially followed this same path himself. The author identifies as the root of Nietzsche’s error, and the root of modernity, the problem of misology. He carefully emphasizes the fact that although misology is closely linked with modernity, misology, and indeed modernity itself, were present in antiquity. Plato recognized this problem, and declared it to be the greatest evil. Misology is defined as the hatred of logos, or the belief that rational thought and discussion are incapable of arriving at objective truth, and this is Nietzsche’s nihilism. Misology is such a grave problem because it prevents all honest discussion of truth. Objective truth is indeed a redundant phrase, for once there are multiple truths there is no truth at all. This is the cause of modernity’s dishonesty when it comes to truth, as it at once wishes to discredit the idea of objective truth as primitive and naive, but at the same time to make statements that should be taken as true. Only by declaring openly, joyously, and without embarrassment “this is true, and this is why it is true” can a philosophy have any validity. Plato’s philosophy produces true health and freedom, and never for an instant doubts itself or the possibility of objective truth. Prof Anderson points out that its freedom is not concerned with the freedom to do good but with doing good freely. By describing Platonism in this way Prof Anderson turns the accusations that Nietzsche brought against Socrates and Plato back against the accuser.
Recognizing the falsity of modern assumptions and accepting the truth of Platonism through logical, discursive considerations is only the beginning of what a philosopher hopes to accomplish. The true goal of philosophy is purification of the soul, and the structure of the book mirrors this progression, ending in a lengthy chapter providing a sketch of the Platonic practice of katharsis (purification). Metaphysical knowledge can be accessed only by the soul and the purpose of purification is to render the soul clean and healthy in order to perform this function. Only a healthy eye can properly access empirical knowledge and only a healthy soul can reach divinity. For an eye to function properly it needs to be physically healthy, and for a soul to function properly it needs to be morally and intellectually healthy. The result of these considerations is that a bad man cannot know metaphysical truth, although he can know truths about the physical world (or as the author says, “even a criminal can operate a microscope”). This shows the vast gulf that separates the modern, scientific quest for knowledge and the search of the philosopher. The main difficulty in explaining the problem of modernity to moderns is that they do not understand this difference, that when the ancient philosophers talk about “knowledge” they do not mean the accumulation of facts or even the physical laws abstracted from these facts that so fascinate today’s scientists. Purification is a complete ordering of every facet of one’s life and a continuing project over many years that leads to the ultimate goal, union with God, in only a very few, select cases.
Although Prof Anderson emphasizes throughout the book the importance of metaphysics, the work is not a detailed exposition of Platonic metaphysics. It is unlikely to convince or inform those unfamiliar with the details of Platonic philosophy. It is recommended that such individuals consult the works of Plato and Plotinus. But it is not the goal of the book to give such an exposition. Rather it seeks to give a picture of what it looks like to live and think as a Platonist, especially one living in modern times. The author speaks tenderly and from experience about the intoxicating power of Platonism and its possibilities for health and wellbeing. He does not shy away from asking the difficult question “can we really overcome our own modernity?” He never doubts truth or the ability of Platonism to reach the truth, but questions whether we moderns can actually remove the ingrained traces of modernity that haunt our souls, especially considering the centuries that have intervened since the disappearance of Tradition in the West. But in keeping with the Platonic spirit, the author never becomes gloomy or pessimistic, and reminds us that even if the fullness of metaphysical realization is beyond our grasp, the mere foretaste of such rewards that we gain through reading the great philosophers far exceeds anything that modernity has to offer.

“By God, we mean gods.
By gods, we mean the Olympians.
By the Olympians, we mean nature.
By nature, we mean the inscrutable forces of nature.
By the inscrutable forces of nature, we mean the metaphysical
reality that manifests itself in and through them; their source; the
By the One, we mean God…”

-Mark Anderson
source :

Kamis, 25 November 2010

we're not a silly things mannn..not materialism, but perfection for the best thing

WOMAN : can you (man) make us happy ? make my eyes bright..
MAN : Yepp.. because only you, the girl who i admirrer most in my eyes..the one whom i looking for in my life
WOMAN : can you make my face shining and never looking for another guy ?
MAN : of course, i will kiss you everyday till you cant give your heart to another except me!
WOMAN : can you make me smile ? even it's the worst day...
MAN : yes baby..i will tell you jokes and singing until you laugh (:

WOMAN : that...but i want more than that..what will make my eyes turn bright is if you buy me a couple ring..and my face will more shining if you accompany me to shopping all day, well..i can smile and laugh for you if you never asked why i want that stuff or why you must accompany me
MAN : .......
WOMAN : in the must know that how to makes woman happy are difficult..not easier as you think..i want someone which is suits for me too (:


Selasa, 23 November 2010

Take this for what it's worth, This song, my smile, It's for you Odysseus :"(

jangan liat ekspresi datar gue, the true is i really really happy till i couldnt talk too much (IT'S PAST)
jangan baca dan percaya kata - kata gue gitu aja..the truthfully is i'm STUCK i'm SAD i'm SHOCK i'm HARTRED..till what i can do after that it just SMILE FAKE..yes..i'm sad then i wanna cried :"(

A Song For A Broken Heart Lyrics - A Static Lullaby

Take this for what it's worth,
This song, my smile,
Now take this for what it's worth,
This song, my smile,

I write to you from hell my song,
Leaving my foot against the gas
And the wall that must have said your name
(I write to you from hell tonight)
Weaken me, for nothing you can say could could stop this now
Would a noose replace his lips?
(Would a noose replace?!)
Can a song replace a broken heart?
Now can a song replace a broken love?
On the beach, I remind myself
That holding hands is so powerless.
Tonight, I don't even have the stars
To hold onto
(To Hold onto!)
Paint this red
Paint this red
Yeah, paint this red
I'll paint this red
I'll paint this red
Paint this red
Her picture will remain unbroken,
She crys tonight, I fall in love
(I fall in love)
Wipe each tear away with sand paper,
Tonight I'm not alone
And I just wanna get your fucking voice out of my head
Fall within the break?
Won't you fall within the brake?
Won't you fall?
Why won't you fall?
On the brake?
On the beach, I remind myself
That holding hands is so powerless
Tonight, I don't even have the stars
To hold onto
(To hold onto)
Can a song replace broken love?
Now can a song replace broken heart?
No 4x

Time to think..eksistensi itu proses..bisa salah & masih bisa diperbaiki ya gan!!

Mornin' atau terlalu pagi tepatnya..
sebenarnya gue udah pernah mengetik ini panjangggg lebar di multiply..but donnnooo whyyyy tiba2 servernya maintenis dan menyebabkan ketikan gue panjang lebar LOST ! DAMN !
yaaahh tapi bolehlah review sejenak tentang apa yang mau gue posting kali's all about LOVE..but not love suck in relationship between me and him :"(..tapi rasa peduli seorang senior terhadap adik kelasnya, si Gayus..LOHH LOHHH LOHHH...(why we talk about him?!) maybe it's the first thing that youyou all wanna ask to me when read it...

weleh..welehhh..mas mas..fotonya kurang deket :D..tapi it's a nice post that i've found in yesterday, stop being negative..let's talk from anthropology's perspective..:D..kita manusia dan sesuai dengan perkataan pak dede dalam kelas filsafat antropologi kemarin..manusia itu eksistensi..sampai detik ini gue emang suka sama lo !!!..tapi besok bisa aja gue biasa dan cuek sama lo (CERITANYA CURCOL DIKIT..AHEM)..yahh sama saja dengan ini..malah gue lebih suka dengan si penulis satu ini daripada artis yang PP penjara gara2 kesalahan kecil..ya karena kesalahan kecil pada susah sadarnya..soalnya malunya sedikit kali yee..hahaha..yasudahlah..i'm too tired to writingwriting and read this ya mai lovelly NaiiThors (panggilan baru u/ pembaca blog gue..xixi)

Untuk Adik Kelasku, Gayus
Minggu, 21 Nov 2010 11:49 WIBOleh: HERI PRABOWO*

ADA anekdot yang beredar saat reuni akbar Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara (STAN-Prodip) pada Oktober 2010. Yakni, anekdot tentang pemberian award untuk sejumlah alumnus dengan berbagai kategori. Kategori tersukses jatuh kepada Hadi Pumomo, ketua BPK (Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan). Kategori karir tercepat diperuntukkan Haryono Umar, wakil ketua KPK (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi). Kategori terkontroversial jatuh kepada M. Misbakhun, anggota DPR, inisiator hak angket Bank Century yang akhirnya jadi tersangka kasus yang sama. Sedangkan kategori terpopuler dipegang Gayus Tambunan. Dia menyingkirkan Helmi Yahya yang jadi selebriti top. Gayus bahkan lebih populer daripada bosnya, M Tjiptardjo. Dirjen Pajak yang juga alumnus STAN.

Memiliki sejumlah kesamaan dengan tokoh populer ternyata cukup menggelitik hati saya. Ada beberapa kesamaan saya dengan Gayus. Sama-sama alumnus STAN-Prodip yang lantas terjerembab mafia pajak dan berujung menghadapi proses hukum. Di usia yang sama, 30 tahun. Usia yang seharusnya kila mulai untuk menapak puncak karir, tapi justru kami terperosok dalam.

Saya tidak seberuntung Gayus, yang masih kaya walau hartanya Rp I (X) miliar disita. Tapi, Gayus juga tidak seberuntung saya. Dia bersusah payah merintis karir di luar Jawa, sedangkan saya sejak awal ditempatkan di kota besar (Surabaya).

Muda, berduit, dan berkuasa. Itulah gambaran untuk kami, para mafia pajak. Meski hanya pegawai rendahan, toh kami berperan besar atas urusan pajak sejumlah perusahaan. Sebab, kami punya lobi. Bisa dibayangkan betapa kami sering memandang kecil sebuah masalah. Sembrono dan ugal-ugalan. Bahkan, saat kami telah ditahan, saya ikut mencicipi fasilitas lebih di tahanan. Walau tidak seeksklusif Tante Ayin (Artalyta Suryani) dan kawan-kawan, fasilitas itu juga dinikmati pejabat tinggi, politisi, dan orang-orang kaya yang ditahan di sana. Saya berbangga. Saya bisa selevel dengan mereka. Kebanggaan yang semu di tengah hujan cercaan.

Tidak heran Gayus dengan enteng keluar masuk rutan. Toh, tahanan lain yang jabatannya jauh di atasnya melakukan hal serupa. Saya yakin bahwa Gayus pun bangga melakukannya. Padahal, dia bukan mereka. Uang boleh sama, lapi mereka cerdik, berpengalaman, dan punya network luas. Gayus boleh bernyanyi, tapi mereka sekejap tiarap, lalu tertawa lagi.

Dengan latar belakang keluarga kurang beruntung secara ekonomi dan broken home. Gayustelah berjuang untuk menjadi bernilai lebih. Tidak mudah bisa duduk jadi mahasiswa STAN. Tidak mudah juga bisa lulus. Sebab, berlaku sistem DO (dropout) yang ketat.

Kampus dipenuhi mahasiswa duri golongan menengah ke bawah. Kebanyakan di antara mereka berasal dari desa-desa. Kesederhanaan selalu tampak. Jangan heran jika ada seorang asisten dosen berangkat ke kampus dengan naik sepeda mini yang juga cocok untuk anaknya. Kampus juga menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai kejujuran dan religiusitas. Masjid-masjid tidak hanya dipenuhi mahasiswa sejak azan Subuh berkumandang Tempat itu juga dimakmurkan oleh berbagai kegiatan agama. Mulai mengajar TPA (laman pendidikan Alquran) hingga diskusi keagamaan, semuanya dimotori mahasiswa STAN. Lalu, kenapa saya dan Gayus bisa lahir? Lalu, mengapa kami bisa jadi pencinta kemewahan?

Pengaruh dimulai saat bertemu dengan para senior yang telah bekerja. Bertemu dengan rekan kerja dan atasan saal bekerja. Dengan gambling, mereka gambarkan tempat basah dan tempat kering. Dengan nyata, mereka jadi orang kayabaru. Semua terjadi begitu terbuka dan aman-aman saja. Hanya segelintir yang bisa bertahan dengan idealisme masing-masing. Sisanya lagi "miskin" karena tidak memperoleh kesempatan.

Saat lulus STAN pada 2000, Gayus berjibaku di lahan kering Kalimantan. Setiap mudik ke Jakarta, dia dan rekan-rekan lain ngiler kala melihat teman-teman seangkatannya begitu makmur. Membeli mobil seperti membeli gorengan. Jakarta adalah surga para mafia pajak. Perusahaan besar walau berkantor di daerah harus melaporkan pajak ke Jakarta. Besarnya putaran uang berbanding lurus dengan gemuknya gurita korupsi.

Maka, saat bertugas di Jakarta, Gayus lidak menyia-nyiakan kesempatan. Gayus hanya mencontoh apa yang dilihat sehari-hari di kantornya. Dia "beruntung". Puluhan miliar rupiah dia kumpulkan dalam sekejap. Keserakahan yang ada dalam diri manusia pada umumnya, tapi tidak manusiawi.

Gayus pasti juga mendengar gosip yang pernah saya dengar. Yakni, sejumlah pejabat pajak pernah diperiksa karena menerima aliran dana tidak wajar di rekening dan umumnya mereka aman-aman saja. Maka, wajar Gayus percaya diri. Tapi, takdir bicara lain. Dia diadili lagi dengan tumpukan dakwaan. Seakan hanya dialah mafia pajak di negeri ini.

Pada masa genderang perang melawan korupsi ditabuh siapa pun, termasuk para mafia hukum dan koruptor, wajar tekanan media menghantam. Wajar olok-olokan sarkastis menghajar bukan hanya kami, tapi juga keluarga. Bahkan, anak-anak yang masih suci. Stres sehingga berujung linangan air mata.

Kejengkelan muncul saat para bos mafia-mafia besar, justru nyaris udak tersentuh hukum. Gayus lantas bermanuver, "bernyanyi". Banyak pihak ikut menabuh gendang untuk mengiringinya. Banyak pihak ikut bising mendengarnya.

Saat "nyanyian" tidak lagi merdu, Gayus bagai pion yang digerakkan untuk menjepit raja para lawan. Gerakan pion hanyalah bagian kecil dari manuver untuk langkah utama, skakmat! Orang tidak peduli jika pion akhirnya tersungkur dari papan catur.

Gayus, adik kelasku! Hadapilah sidang dengan hati baja. Ketakutan adalah hal wajar. Maka, berjalanlah hingga ujung papan catur. Ubah dirimu. Berhentilah jadi pion. Walaupun, tidak mungkin juga jadi raja. Bahkan, keadilan mungkin lidak berpihak kepadamu. Mungkin para raja, menteri, dan lainnya melenggang dengan tidak tersentuh hukum. Biarlah Tuhan yang menghukum mereka. Kelak ada hikmah dari semua masalah itu.

Apa yang terjadi kepadamu bukanlah cobaan Tuhan. Sebab, itu berawal dari kesalahan kita Meskipun, kini engkau merasa jadi kambing hitam.

Jika saya boleh memberikan nasihat. ceritakanlah kepada dunia setelanjang mungkin. Mengapa terjerembab dalam mafia pajak. Bagaimana caranya, metodenya, siapa saja teman-temannya. Dengan demikian, hal tersebut jadi bahan pembelajaran bagi aparat hukum, adik-adik kelas kita sealmamater, serta pegawai-pegawai pajak yang baru berkarir. Adakalanya kita terpeleset karena kebegoan kita. Tapi, juga selalu ada kesempatan untuk kembali bangkit.(sumber:Indo Pos/RIMA)*) Alumnus STAN 1996. penulis buku Catatan Harian Seorang Mafia Pajak
sumber : Harian Jawa Pos, tgl. 21 Nopember 2010